Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The "S" Word

Socialization-Yes, I said it; the "S" word of homeschooling. Since this is the first thing non-homeschoolers always think of, I thought I'd start out by sharing an excerpt on this topic from our family's Homeschool Brochure that we carry around.

In a study of social and emotional development of 9-year olds from private schools and homeschools, home educated children perceived their parents as primary authority figures more often than those in the private-school education.

Data from children that were home educated for at least six years showed they were fiercely independent and strongly emphasized the importance of family.

“He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm. Proverbs 13:20

In a study done by teams at Cornell, it was found that children who spend more time with their peers than with their parents until about fifth grade will become peer dependent. Obviously, this pertains to children spending countless hours in a school building, whether it be private or public school.

Rick Boyer, father of 14 homeschooled children, notes that peer group socialization in school system settings results in making children dependent on their peers, subjecting children to constant attacks on their self-esteem, and isolation from the real “adult” world.

Please feel free to share your comments! Thanks!


Justine said...

Hey Sara,
Justine here this has always been a controversial subject for me. My school has a lot of former homeschoolers who came into our school. Some of them thrived, and some of them didn't do well at all. Our school is very conservative, so it was different then a public school. I saw homeschoolers who were very withdrawn and quiet. One of my friends who was homeschooled left after a year because she thought that the workload was too much. We hardly ever had homework. I also had friends that did great in school who were formely homeschooled. This is why it was hard for me to think about ever homeschooling my future children.
Please e-mail me back with a response because I would really like to know what you say about this.

sjpoff said...

Thanks for your comment Justine! If you think of a child growing up similar to a seed of a flower growing, you can see why planting a seed out in a garden when it's only been halfway nurtured in its private pot first is dangerous. These parents didn't complete the training they were given to do, which is almost worse than never homeschooling your children at all.

Researchers have found that age/grade isolation or segregation actually inhibits socialization, which was probably one of the most confusing things for these teens. To be thrown into such a falsified world such as that in a segregated school system that has no similarity to the real world is very confusing.

Hope that answers some of your questions!