Sunday, August 3, 2008

Biblical Commands to Homeschool

I wanted to share a couple of articles that share what the Bible says about homeschooling. As said by HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association):

"God has delegated the authority and responsibility to teach and raise children to the parents first. Parents can delegate their authority to teach and raise children to someone else, but they can never delegate their responsibility to teach their children to anyone else. God will hold parents responsible for what education their children receive (whether from teachers, books, projects, or peers). To whom much is given, much is required. We have a free choice in this country to not send our children to an ungodly public school—we will, all the more, be responsible. Remember, our children are dying souls entrusted to our care!"

For the rest of their article, including Scripture to back this up, go to:

According to another online article, "Spiritual training is even more important than academic training, and it doesn't happen by accident; it must be purposeful and habitual."

Later, the article says, "Public schools are spiritual battlegrounds for our children. They are inundated with anti-Christian doctrine, relative morality, and secular humanistic theories. The Bible says, "Do not be deceived: 'Bad company corrupts good morals'" (1 Corinthians 15:33, NAS). Children tend to adopt the values of those with whom they spend the most time. In school, they are daily exposed to the value systems of non-Christian students, teachers, and faculty. They may be told that homosexuality is simply an "alternative lifestyle," that abortion is acceptable, and sex before marriage is normal, and even healthy."

Opting for private school doesn't eliminate the problems of peer dependency as listed in the Socialization blog entry below. "In biblical times, children were primarily educated and socialized by their families and simply by living and working in society. Instead of being put in age-segregated classrooms for the majority of the day, they learned to communicate with adults and children of all ages."

For the rest of this article, go to:

I wanted to say one thing: Doesn't it seem odd that so many moms desire to be or train to be teachers? Could this have something to do with the way the Lord created moms with the desire and passion to teach their own children? Maybe, just maybe, our society has deceived us to think that the passion to be a teacher should be used to benefit other children at the risk of our own children?